Step into a world where faith meets fiction and heartfelt stories come to life.

I'm Helena Smrcek, and I'm passionate about weaving tales that touch the heart and uplift the soul. I would like to invite you to join an exciting community of my readers. Welcome!

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Featured Release
Valor Long Hot Summer, Book #2

Dive into a summer of suspense and romance in the Long Hot Summer: Christian Romantic Suspense collection!
Sixteen stories across four volumes, this anthology collection is sure to keep the pages turning all summer long! Each story weaves together faith, love, and thrilling twists that will keep you on the edge of your seat. From beachside towns to hidden secrets, these heartwarming tales, enjoy!

Meet the author

Hi, I'm Helena

My loving grandparents introduced me to a world of stories. The most special moments came at twilight. Grandpa in his wing chair, a cat on his lap; Grandma and I snuggled on the sofa. Storytime transported me beyond time and space. I met fascinating characters, experienced life’s joys and sorrows, and discovered my roots. My hope and prayer is to create that same sense of wonder and connection for my readers.

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