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  • General Pitchforks and Pedicures

    Good morning, and thank you for reading my blog. This is an ask for help, as the support of my readers is absolutely crucial to the success of this bo...

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  • General Taking Inventory

    The sparkle of Christmas tucked away; it is time to take stock of life. This may sound a little profound, but isn’t that what every New Year’s res...

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  • General Christmas Cookie Therapy

    In this world of changing pronouns, anticipated environmental crisis and feared unsustainability, there is still something to be said about traditions...

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  • General Meet My Dragons

    Okay, they are not real dragons, but one look at my flowerbeds, and anyone would understand why I would call them so. This all began with me telling m...

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  • General A Sense of Place

    A book idea has been brewing in my mind for several years. This spring I finally decided to visit Berlin, the place where the story begins, decades in...

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